Future Houston

Journal of Petroleum Technology: Paper Lays Out Pathway for Texas To Lead Energy Transition (mentions CHF-UH report)

Dallas Morning News Op-Ed by Margaret Spellings and Brett Perlman: How vulnerable is Texas public education funding to a world oil price downturn?

Beaumont Enterprise Editorial: Permanent School Fund must prepare for lower oil, gas revenues (cites center research)

Houston Public Media: After Texas Freeze, Immigrants Play Critical Role In Repairing Tens Of Thousands Of Homes (quotes CHF’s Steven Scarborough)

News Release: If World Oil Prices Remain Unstable, Billions of Dollars in Texas State and Local Government Funds at Risk

Houston Chronicle: Volatile Texas oil and gas industry threatens billions in school funding, study says (cites center research)

Houston Chronicle: Volatile Texas oil and gas industry threatens billions in school funding, study says (cites CHF report)

Dallas Morning News Op-Ed: Who Caused the Blackout? (authored by CHF CEO Brett Perlman in 2011)

Dallas Morning News Op-Ed by Brett Perlman: We can’t let the furor over power outages die down without making real change

Forbes: California And Texas Vie To Be America’s Hydrogen Capital (quotes CHF CEO Brett Perlman)